Archive for December, 2011

The 15 Most Important Rules Of E-mail Etiquette

December 19, 2011

More than 80 years have passed since Emily Post wrote her first book on etiquette. Back then, the rules had more to do with how to properly introduce someone and which fork to use at a dinner party. But with the introduction of new communication tools comes new rules of engagement. Here are 15 quick tips and rules for what is – and isn’t – acceptable behavior when using e-mail.

  1. Be concise and to the point. Read your e-mail to make sure it makes sense before sending to avoid e-mail “ping-pong.”
  2. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation. This is still a communication and a representation of YOU. Sloppy spelling and punctuation looks unprofessional.
  3. Don’t use e-mail to deliver bad or personal news. If you need to discuss a serious matter with someone, only use e-mail to request a face to face meeting or phone call, not to deliver the news.
  4. Do not attach unnecessary files, especially large ones. Sending big files can cause someone’s e-mail system to clog, shut down or crash. Instead, use for large documents.
  5. Do not overuse the high priority option. Use it only when something is truly critical and time sensitive.
  6. Do not write in CAPITALS-it’s the equivalent of shouting.
  7. Don’t leave out the message thread.
  8. Give your recipients an easy way to opt-out or remove themselves from your list.
  9. Do not overuse “Reply to All.” If you have a message for the sender that is not relevant to everyone else, make sure you only send it to that person.
  10. Do not “CC” everyone when sending a broadcast to multiple people. Instead, use the bcc (blind carbon copy) to keep everyone’s e-mail private.
  11. Don’t overuse abbreviations and emoticons.
  12. Don’t use neon colors, hard to read fancy fonts and background images. They make it difficult – if not impossible – to read your message.
  13. Only use rich text and HTML messages when you are certain the recipient can receive that type of message. Many people can only open text messages, and most rich text and HTML messages don’t convert well.
  14. Do not forward a message that was sent to you without permission from the original sender.
  15. Do not use e-mail to discuss confidential information. If you don’t want the entire world to see it, then don’t put it in an e-mail.

What Every Business Owner MUST Know To Protect Against Online Identity Theft (Especially during this online holiday buying season!)

December 13, 2011

fingerprint     All it takes is one innocent security slip by you or one of your employees to instantly give online criminals the information they need to access your network and steal your identity. In no time at all, they can gain enough information to max out your credit cards, wipe out your bank accounts, and completely obliterate your business and personal credit. They can even use your identity to commit further crimes such as forgery, stealing from other businesses, or online scams. This nightmare can take months – sometimes years – to clean up and can destroy your credit and good name.  

     That’s why for a limited time we are giving away FREE copies of our new eBook, “What Every Business Owner MUST Know To Protect Themselves Against Online Identity Theft” (a $19.97 value, FREE during December). This critical eBook will reveal: 

  • The 3 most effective tricks online identity thieves use to gain access to your business and personal information – and how to avoid them.
  • Sneaky e-mails you should delete IMMEDIATELY upon receiving them. (You’ll want to share this list with your friends, family and staff!)
  • One super-easy, sure-fire way to make your computer network impervious to online identity thieves.
  • How to protect yourself against NEW scams being spread through social media sites like Facebook or Twitter.
  • How to keep your employees from accidentally giving away passwords and other “keys to the kingdom” to Internet criminals.

     To download your free copy, go to the website below. Copies of this eBook will be made available for FREE until December 31, 2011.

Check out the eBooks and Reports