Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

car heater     It happens every winter – you want to heat up the car before you get in, but you hate to leave the car running unattended. Ideally, you could turn on the heater without starting the car.

Now you can do just that. With the Car Interior Preheater from Hammacher, you can set the programmable, battery-powered heater to begin running 20 minutes before you enter the car. The rotating vents allow you to push 180 degree air to pre-defrost the windows or to blow hot air throughout the vehicle.

This mini heater comes with an A/C adapter for charging and has a handy remote that will power the heater from as far as 200 feet away.

No more shivering in the car as it warms up or running the risk of keeping your empty car running. Get yours today for around $120.

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