Posts Tagged ‘social media’

What Is Google+ And How Will It Affect Your Comapny’s SEO?

March 19, 2012

     Not too long ago Google introduced Google+ in an effort to take on Facebook and Twitter in the social networking war – and given the fact that over 20 million people have already started using this feature since it was introduced last June, there’s a good chance it will continue to gain ground and popularity among web users. But what is Google+ and how will it affect the ranking of your company’s website – if at all?

     Google is attempting to combine the most popular features of Facebook and Twitter into a centralized social hub where users have the ability to share content with specific groups of people called “circles.” As users build these circles, they’ll be able to see websites that members of their circles have +1’d.  (Is that a verb?) There’s also a group video chat feature called “Hangouts,” and a user-defined topical news feed similar to Twitter’s hashtag called “Sparks.” While positive (or even negative) reviews from users online have always been viewed through the lens of skepticism, Google+  will add a level of validation to those reviews since you only see the +1’s from people in your circles.

     While it’s still too early to tell how Google+ will affect your company’s SEO, it’s safe to assume that Google will reward websites that get lots of +1s because of the web’s evolution to become more “social” and user driven.

     The bottom line to all of this (and a key ingredient to any company’s success online OR offline) is good old fashioned customer service. These days it’s easy for any disgruntled customer to post a negative comment online. And once it’s posted, it’s practically written in indelible ink. Get enough negative reviews and your reputation will definitely take a hit. Additionally, it’s important that you monitor your company’s reputation online and encourage happy clients to post positive comments about you.

Top 10 Technology Trends Of 2012

January 23, 2012

During the Symposium ITxpo 2011, Gartner unveiled its prediction for the top technology trends in 2012.

     Mobility and social media are taking a front seat for the ride into the future. Many of these technologies will drive the future of your business if they aren’t already:
  1. Media tablets and beyond
  2. Mobile-centric applications and interfaces
  3. Contextual and social user experience
  4. Internet of Things
  5. App stores and marketplaces
  6. Next-generation analytics
  7. Big Data
  8. In-memory computing
  9. Extreme low-energy servers
  10. Cloud computing
     For more details, check out the Newsroom Press Releases from October 2011 at